The Population Health Impact (PHI) Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2004 by Thomas Wilson and Gary Montrose to promote credible, transparent, standardized, and replicable impact evaluations of defined population health programs (e.g., wellness, health promotion, payment for provider performance, disease management, case management, medical management, etc.).

The specific goals of the PHI Institute are to:

  • Promote independent, impartial, accurate, and credible evaluation of the economic and clinical outcomes of defined population health programs, using impact methods that are transparent and replicable and standardized.
  • Assist employer organizations, health plans, government agencies, vendors and providers who wish to implement defined population health programs by performing credible impact evaluations.
  • Advance the use of multiple scientific methodologies, and to help the market determine which evaluation approaches are most reliable for determining “best value care.”
  • Provide an unbiased resource for the delivery of educational, research and demonstration projects where the use of multiple methodologies, professional disciplines, and different health management programs can be tested and the results made publicly available through peer-reviewed journals, educational workshops, benchmarking studies and other publications of the PHI Institute.
  • Assemble a balanced group of stakeholders (buyers, sellers, and professional evaluators) in developing generally acceptable impact evaluation standards.

Credible evaluation processes, methodologies and impact studies as proposed by the PHI Institute will make it easier for the market’s buyers and sellers to make evidence-based ROI determinations and clinical resource allocations.

PHI Institute supports data-driven decision making, Evidence-based ROISM, and Evidence-based ProcurementSM … based upon a new kind of value in health care.


Administrative & Business Office Address

222 Severn Avenue
Building 7, Suite 2
Annapolis, MD 21403

(513) 349-5846